Symptoms - Hormone Imbalance in Women

 Symptoms of hormone imbalance in women can begin even as early as the late twenties, and many women begin to experience symptoms into their 30's and forties. The symptoms and their intensity usually increase as women age.

The hormones estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone are produced in the ovaries. The hormones estrogen and progesterone primarily regulate a woman's menstrual cycle. Progesterone levels tend to decrease with age, causing a hormonal imbalance as estrogen levels remain higher. Typically this brings about the onset of menopause.

However, there are other factors that can contribute to an elevated level of estrogen. There tend to be higher levels of estrogen in much of the food we eat as well as in the chemicals we use in our everyday lives. This regular exposure to estrogen can increase estrogen levels in everyone at ever younger ages hormonal imbalance in women.

Common Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance in Women


Weight gain


Hot flashes

Mood swings

Loss of sex drive

Hair loss on the head

Abnormal hair growth on face and body

Poor concentration and foggy thinking



Tender breasts

Fibroid tumours

Menstrual irregularities

Sleep problems

These are the most common symptoms associated with hormonal imbalance. Several other possible symptoms include acne/oily skin, bone loss, decreased fertility, irregular periods, decreased muscle mass, vaginal dryness, incontinence, memory lapses, and nervousness. There are probably more which show up on a case-by-case basis, but these are by-in-large the majority of symptoms.

These changes can really take a toll on the quality of life and lifestyle of many women. Serious symptoms of hormone imbalance in women can cause relationship problems with a spouse, family members, and friends. They can impact activity levels, which can have a variety of other ramifications for one's physical health and well-being. Certain emotional challenges can stem from hormonal changes as well. These changes can sometimes lead to a certain level of dissatisfaction with self and life.

The good thing is that there are options available to anyone truly suffering from the impact of hormone imbalances and changes. The bottom line is these changes do not have to get the best of you.


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